Forward SMS Messages From App To Rest

Forward SMS messages from your phone to your REST server

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How it works

Forward SMS messages or text messages received on a mobile device to your REST API server, other device, or email address

To use this application, install it on your device, and any message received on your mobile device will be forwarded to your REST API (or other target)

You can configure the application to use GET or POST actions when accessing the API server

The app can forward up to 50 SMS messages to your API server. After that, you will need to purchase a license that allows the app to forward an unlimited number of SMS messages. The cost for the license is a one-time payment of 9.8$, with no monthly fees.

Install Permissions

Note that to install this app, you will need to allow installation from 'unknown sources.' why?

Permissions Needed

The following permissions are required for this app to function properly:

  • RECEIVE_SMS, READ_SMS, SEND_SMS, WRITE_SMS: These permissions are required to access and retrieve SMS messages received by the device.
  • FOREGROUND_SERVICE, WAKE_LOCK: These permissions are required to allow the app to run as a service in the background, even when the device is locked or the app is not in use.
  • INTERNET: This permission is required to allow the app to connect to the internet and send the SMS messages to your API server.

Code example #1 - to be placed on your server (JSP)

This code will allow your JSP server to receive SMS messages forwarded by the app Example server side code (API.jsp): Copy Text

Code example #2 - to be placed on your server (PHP)

This code will allow your PHP server to receive SMS messages forwarded by the app: Example server side code (API.php): Copy Text

Default server URL

When the application is first launched, the default target URL for the REST API is our example page:
If you want to test SMS forwarding, follow these steps:

You will see the last message that was sent to your phone
Please note that this is just an example URL and you will need to change it to your own API server to receive forwarded SMS messages on your server.

Download Now!

To install the app on your device, you will need to enable the 'Install from unknown sources' option in your device settings. This setting allows you to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store.


Google has changed its policy regarding apps that need to receive text messages.
This type of app can no longer exist on Google Play because Google requires that the app be the default SMS handler, which is not logical in many cases.

If you have a website that sends text messages and you want to process client responses automatically, you may need this type of app. A good example (a legitimate use case) is as follows:

1. You are a wedding manager and you send text messages to potential guests for the wedding to check if they plan on attending or not.
2. You want to process the responses programmatically, rather than manually, so you need to receive the responses on your website.

Privacy policy

1. "SMS Forwarding To Rest API" forwards all incoming text messages to the REST endpoint provided on the main configuration page.
2. "SMS Forwarding To Rest API" stores locally on the device a list of all messages and phone numbers that were forwarded to the REST API.
This list is visible on the "Logs" tab
3. "SMS Forwarding To Rest API" does not send or share the data with any other endpoint apart from the one provided by the user in the main configuration tab.
4. Users can clear the forwarding logs at any time from the "Logs" tab. "SMS Forwarding To Rest API" does not store the data in other places.


A video that explains how to use the Forward SMS to API app

How to manage multiple 'Forward SMS to API' apps from a central point.

How to monitor multiple APP and verify that they are working.


Fill The Form Below

Kefar Saba, Israel

Message was sent. Thank You

Buy Now

Unlimited SMS forwardingYes
Forward to API/RestYes
Forward to other phoneYes
Control Multiple DevicesYes
Exclude / Include RulesYes
Monthly FeeNo
Price (One Time Payment) 9.8$
Even Lower Price (Volume License Available)
- Save   37$ when buying a 15 units volume license
- Save   66$ when buying a 20 units volume license
- Save   90$ when buying a 25 units volume license
- Save 190$ when buying a 50 units volume license
Yes, Click Here For Details

Important Notes

  • By using PayPal or a credit card, you can purchase a single license for 9.8$, which is a one-time payment.
  • If you plan on buying 20 or more licenses, please contact us for a volume license.
  • If you plan on buying a single license then the best option is to buy directly from the device on which the app is installed, as the license key will be automatically applied, and there will be no need to wait for manual activation.
  • Please note that the license is valid for a single device and cannot be used on multiple devices. If you need to transfer the license to another device, please follow the transfer license procedure
  • If you are planning to uninstall the app please note that the license will expire!. please follow this procedure before uninstalling the app
App Id from registration page